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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 08/03/2006

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Minutes of Meeting of August 3, 2006
Senior Center Conference Room

Present:        Mark Berry, Chairman; Emily Beebe, Lynn Hiller
Absent: Moe Barocas, Erik Mitchell

Chairman Mark Berry called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

Minutes of 7/20/06
Hiller moved to approve the minutes of July 20, 2006.  Beebe seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Rules & Regulations
Emily Beebe reported that Mark Vincent will send the Water Commissioners information that the DPW would like incorporated into the Rules & Regulations.   She discussed the old recommendations for the water system; consideration of new criteria; and betterments through an ACO with advanced sign-ups. Hiller said Brewster used the “checkerboard” approach for their water system.  Provincetown, Beebe said had done this for their sewer system.  Beebe promised to get more information on the Provincetown checkerboard system for hook-ups.

Other discussion revolved around having input on the equipment and material used keeping in mind lower maintenance; fluoride issues; alternatives to chlorination; and the design, construction and permitting process for a water tower.

Hook-up Fees
The hook-up fees are tied in with the regulations.  Jean Schaefer had done studies on how much hook-ups cost per property.   The Town has done its calculations by dividing the total number of customers.  Another method of determining the fees was to look at the figures that other towns use.  The Board discussed hook-up fees determined by parcels; setting a reasonable rate; offering rebates if necessary; condominium hook-ups; meters for multiple family properties; usage rates; and doing an analysis of potential users.  The BWC advocates a simpler system for hook-ups.  Berry said more people would hook up if it were easier to do and not so expensive.

Berry said cost of running the system needs to be known in order to set fees.  The method for calculating capacity should be different from the way hook-up fees are determined.  

Further discussion focused on build-out calculation for the system; the ratio of municipal and private hook-ups; current meter readings which Beebe will look into; privatization; preparation for a Town Meeting presentation; a tuned up Master Plan that shows privately owned “public water supply” wells; more steps for the Master Plan; water supply as a regional issue; town-wide build-out; more National Seashore participation in planning water issues; and a future wastewater system.  Beebe discussed the wastewater management now being studied around Wellfleet Harbor.

Berry moved that the Town Administrator include in the Article for Special Town Meeting that there be funding to update the Master Plan map to include the entire town showing infrastructure for South Wellfleet, Lieutenant’s  Island., the Rte. 6 corridor / business districts, and existing public water supply wells.    Hiller seconded.  The motion carried 3-0.  Berry will approach Tim Smith about this.

Other Business
The Board addressed the request for comments on the memo from Rex Peterson and the Wellfleet Housing Authority & Local Housing Partnership regarding town-owned land they would like to develop.  The BWC does not have any comments pro or con on Map 14, Lots 112 and 119.  In regards to Map 7, Lot 24, cutting off the small area indicated restricts the use of the greater lot.  At this point in time there is not water capacity for development of the proposal.  Carving up the section compromises the property for any future Town use of the entire Lot 24.  This could prevent a future Municipal wastewater site from proceeding.  The BWC’s only concern with Map 23, Lots 90, 92, 93 and 94 is that it does not interfere with the potential routing of a Wellfleet-by-the-Sea water main.  The Committee Secretary will prepare the memo.  

DPW July Activity Report was distributed and studied.

Berry moved to adjourn.  Beebe seconded.  The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________         __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                        Mark Berry, Chairman
